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It's not a joke.

It's the first amusement park

that will save your life.

The European Parliament resorts to Durex in a campaign for prevention and awareness about AIDS among children's groups. The communication objective is to capture the attention of teenagers (13 to16 years-old) and make them responsible for their sexual health.

The solution? Durex Park.


We got a whole day to transmit and create awareness about the prevention of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
All attractions have a message, an apprenticeship through experience. The park is designed to live an intense emotion, hard to forget, thus making it a metaphor for one's own sexual experience.
In Durex Park, just like in sex, you can have fun, but if you do not take precautions you can end up infected. Many Durex Park attractions involve a decision, they are free and responsible to choose, but if they do not take the right path, they will be permanently injured inside the game.


Case Study

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